Learn to use your natural aids–seat, legs and hands, to cue your horse clearly for stop, go, turn and to have better control. 73 minutes
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Manufacturer: Julie Goodnight, Goodnight Training Stables, Inc.
Feedback about GPR #2:
These dvd’s helped me become aware of how my body was hindering my horse rather than helping him. My circles, transitions, and impulsion are all much much improved!
As an older rider that had been away from horses for about 30 years, I needed to basically start over again. I found them very helpful, and after meeting Julie and talking to her, I found the videos helped in regaining my confidence.
Your first name: Ann
My perspective:
4 quadrants like showmanship & the 4 states( Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, & Arizona) REALLY HELP in where I need to shift my weight to. Julie the gold nugget to help me understand this.
I have a new horse after losing my senior horses so need Julie again. She’s the best teacher ever!